A friend limped into the local coffee shop one day wearing a neck brace. “What happened?!” I asked.  Despite walking on neighborhood sidewalks and crossing in crosswalks, he was hit by a car for the SECOND time. That’s ridiculous! How could this happen TWICE? I wracked my brain for answers. I needed to help.

In 2017 I had a baby and a toddler. Everything seems scary when you’re in charge of two little lives who presumably fear NOTHING. My mind was tired and I was constantly trying to create things to make life easier. While wearing my baby and pushing my toddler in a folding shopping cart (I had given up trying to make him sit in a stroller), it dawned on me that both the stop sign and umbrella have eight sides. Why not print STOP on an umbrella? Stop signs are effective  communication tools and umbrellas are compact enough to fit in stroller pockets or a tote bag. I made a STOP umbrella for myself. It worked!

By 2023 both kids were old enough to go to elementary school full time and I biked them back and forth daily in a cargo bike. One afternoon while pedaling down to pick up my kids, I crossed a crosswalk and waved to a young boy crossing in the opposite direction. Moments later I heard a large crash. The boy in the crosswalk had been hit. The driver didn’t see him. I stayed at the scene until paramedics had checked the boy for injuries and his mother was able to take him home. Fortunately he walked away only bruised and scratched.

I became the unofficial school crossing guard after the accident. I already had the STOP umbrella and someone had to help kids cross safely!

It became clear to me pedestrians everywhere needed help being seen crossing streets. Drivers needed clear communication from pedestrians. It was time I mass produced the STOP umbrella for public use.

America Walks is a great resource for pedestrian safety and community involvement. They taught me about the Safe Routes to School program and how to be a pedestrian advocate in my community. I’m happy each red umbrella sale supports their work .

Cancer had hit my family hard with my dad’s death from pancreatic cancer, my mom’s fight with ovarian cancer and my husband’s recent fight with kidney cancer. Susan G. Komen hosts a three day walk to support breast cancer research, I decided to create a pink umbrella to support their walkers and help raise money to fight breast cancer. The pink umbrellas will be available soon. Let’s end cancer!

Living in a town that embraces chickens, writing a book educating people about road safety using the old question “why did the chicken cross the road” just made sense. Chickens are funny animals, so creating a fun, head-strong character with a lot to teach was very enjoyable. “Giblet, The Chicken Who Crossed The Road” was created. It is now available on I hope this book helps illustrate the need to be advocates for our own safety.

Through this journey I have experienced love and heartache. The world is a marvelous place when you effectively communicate with others and work together. I aim to empower pedestrians with the STOP Umbrella helping them communicate their presence to drivers as they practice healthy living and support the healthy lives of others with each purchase. Be safe out there.